After a long winter of cold air and grey skies, most of us welcome the summer with open arms. The summer can mean vacation, sunny days, and relaxing by the pool. It can also mean bug bites, sunburn, and dangerous driving conditions.
At the risk of being a major bummer, we will be reviewing some of the ways that summer sunshine can be damaging to your health. We promise we love the sun too! We can show you ways to enjoy it responsibly.

Sunscreen Benefits Healthy, Beautiful Skin
Our number one sun safety tip is to wear appropriate sunscreen. This tip holds true all year round. Many of us only apply sunscreen when going to the beach, the pool, or maybe to the ballgame. Unfortunately, the sun didn't get the memo and can harm our skin other times as well.
Here are some simple sunscreen tips to keep your skin safe this summer (fall, winter, and spring too!):
- Do not depend on a single sunscreen application all day. If you plan on being out in the sun for more than a few hours, try to cover up or reapply sunscreen as necessary. Reapplying every two (2) hours or so is sufficient.
- Choose a sunscreen with broad spectrum protection. UVA and UVB rays interact with skin differently. Broad spectrum sunscreens protect against both.
- Choose a sunscreen with minimum SPF 30. Sun Protection Factor, more commonly known as SPF, is a rating of the percentage of UV rays are blocked.

Heat Safety Tips for Hot Summer Days
Of course, our skin isn't the only thing affected by the sun! Long, hot days can have an adverse impact on your overall health if not cared for properly. Heat is particularly dangerous for the elderly and young children.
Look out for extreme heat weather warnings. If an extreme heat warning has been issued in your area, consider staying indoors with air conditioning and/or active fans as much as possible.
Staying hydrated is important for combating the heat, but it will not keep your body safe in extreme temperatures. Seek shade, avoid overexertion, be extremely careful about leaving loved ones or pets in locked cars, and look out for signs of heat related illness.
If you or a loved one experience cramps, goose bumps in the heat, feeling faint, fatigue, rapid pulse, or any other unusual physical symptoms - get out of the heat immediately and consider medical attention.
Protect Your Skin and Eyes this Summer
So let's say it's a beautiful summer day. It's not too hot, and you are relaxing outside. This might not be a medical concern as we covered in the previous section, but there are still a few ways to stay safe and keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
Cover up or wear sunscreen. Yep, we are repeating ourselves. Not only do UV rays cause our skin to age prematurely, but they can cause serious skin conditions including melanoma. Sunscreen has been proven to effectively reduce the risk of skin cancer and skin aging.
Wear sunglasses. Eye damage unfortunately gets lost in the mix when it comes to sun protection. Our eyes are sensitive to prolonged, bright lights. Consider sunglasses with broad-spectrum UV protection.
Select the right skincare products. Finally, with the sun beating down, it is important to select all of your skincare products carefully. Choose products that are too heavy and you may be at risk of developing oily skin. Choose products with harsh chemicals and they may react poorly with your sunscreen.
Consider getting your sun care products from the same source! We are proud to offer sun protection skincare products alongside our wide range of skincare and beauty cleansers, moisturizers, and much, much more.

Other Summer Safety Tips
- Pool and ocean swimming safety - fatal drowning accidents take an average of ~3,500 lives per year in the United States. Swimming lessons for children and never swimming unsupervised are great ways to remain safe this summer.
- Insect protection - a less desirable side effect of longer, hotter days are the boom of insect populations. Protect yourself and your family with skin safe insect repellent, protective clothing, and avoiding high risk areas.
- Roadway safety during the summer months - the summer months are actually the most dangerous times to be on the roads. Safe driving practices are always recommended!
- Recreational vehicle safety - boats, bicycles, RVs, and many other recreational vehicles should be operated within their safety guidelines.
- More - summer can be a great time for fun and relaxation. Stay safe when enjoying traditional summertime activities such as outdoor barbecuing, fireworks, playing on playgrounds, and more.
Keep Your Family Safe this Summer with Healthy Skincare
Summer fun is something many of us look forward to during the cold winter months. Now that it is here, practicing safe skincare is extremely important. By selecting effective sunscreen, avoiding too much sun exposure, and more, you and your family can enjoy these long summer days safely!